5 Advantages of Choosing Night Classes for Nursing
Benefits of Evening Nursing Classes
1. Flexible work-school balance.
For those worried about finances while being in school, night classes can help soothe your fears. Studying in an evening program gives you the opportunity to earn while you learn. Evening classes may allow the flexibility to keep working at your job while still earning your degree. You can improve yourself at school while continuing to earn money.
2. Opportunities for career advancement.
Some people are entering nursing school to advance from a CNA to an LPN or an LPN to an RN. Evening classes may allow you to continue in your nursing position, while still improving your nursing skills and earning your LPN or RN.
3. Night Owl friendly.
Not a “morning person”? For those night owls out there, evening classes may be a better option than day classes. Some people work better at night, while some people work better in the morning. Instead of going into a morning class unfocused and grumpy, you’ll be able to come to your evening class prepared and ready to learn.
4. Free time during the day.
For those who are not working during the day, evening classes may allow for free time before class. By taking your classes at night, you may have time during the day to run errands, make appointments, do homework, and spend time with your family.
5. Fewer distractions.
Typically, evenings at college campuses are less hectic and more low-key. Campus visitors generally come during daytime hours, so less traffic at night means less noise. This may also allow more resources to be available, such as computer labs.
Get Started
At Jersey College, we offer evening nursing classes for our RN program and LPN program at most of our campuses in Florida and New Jersey. Our program features flexible curricula that is designed to support students with day jobs and families while they pursue their career in nursing. While coursework is generally scheduled in the evening, practicums and exams may be scheduled in the daytime. Contact your campus for more information.
If you’re ready to enroll today, contact our admissions staff by using the form below. You can also learn more about our Florida and New Jersey campuses here: