Chancellor's and President’s Message
How do you define a family? Most people would define family as individuals that you are biologically related to you or someone that legally become
associated with you (spouse through marriage, child through adoption, etc.). At Jersey College, family is way more!
Our family is made up of students, faculty, and staff who start as strangers, but become your best-friend, confidant, mentor, and hero. We have a saying at Jersey College that nursing school is HARD! Work, traditional family and life all get in the way as you try to achieve your goal of becoming a nurse. We guarantee that the stresses and pressures of nursing school will test your limits. How will you make it through school? With the support and love of your Jersey College family – classmates, teachers, preceptors and staff members.
Know that we are committed to your success. We will walk this difficult path with you and provide guidance, encouragement and fortitude. As we proceed together on the path, accept responsibility for yourself and care for your fellow Jersey College family members. Always incorporate our values of PRIDE (Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Diversity and Excellence) into each experience and each day – the good, bad and ugly ones.
Nursing school is HARD, but as a family we can motivate, inspire and achieve.
We welcome you to the Jersey College family and look forward to working closely with you in achieving your nursing dreams.
Greg Karzhevsky
Steven B. Litvack, Esq.